Tuesday, December 13, 2011

T minus four days...

So.  This is weird.  I'm sitting here writing one of my last blog possts from London, and it's a little unreal!  Part of me feels like I've been here forever, but another part of me feels like I just got here!

It's been a busy past few weeks.  I finished up my internship at MEC!  My final project for the placement was creating my own presentation on the mobile market and where it is heading, and then presenting it to my coworkers in the press department.  I had complete free range with how I wanted to approach the project and what angle I wanted to take, which was a really great opportunity, but super stressful at the same time!  I talked about how mobile sites and smartphone apps are becoming more popular ways of digitally reading newspapers and magazines, and the current crossover figures between print newspaper and online newspaper readers.  I also spoke about how the tablet apps, like those for the iPad, seem to be the focus of much of the creative work and media hype, even though the percentage of UK consumers who are tablet owners is still vastly less than the percentage of those who are smartphone owners.  My coworkers really liked my presentation, and told me they were impressed by the points I made and how I approached the topic.  They even asked me to email them the presentation and my notes so they could refer to it in their future work!

My last day was really great-- after my mobile presentation my coworkers gave me a going-away present, a gift card to Selfridges (one of the UK's biggest department stores)!  It was so sweet of them to think of me, and I brought them all a tin of Cadbury Roses as my thank you gift to them.  Chocolate goes over well with any crowd, no doubt.  They also wrote me the nicest card and each wrote a message to thank me for me hard work!  It was a great experience working with MEC, and I really am going to miss it.  My supervisors told me to contact them if I ever need a reference... Aaaand I may or may not have also gotten recruited for a real job at the company if I'm ever back in London.  I mean, *I'd* call that a good day, I don't know about you. :)

My roommates and I took our last two trips, to Barcelona and Portugal!  Barcelona was busy, but beautiful.  I love Gaudi's architecture, and I'd seen the city before on a trip with my high school but it was just amazing to be back.  We saw a soccer game while we were there, and had such a great time!  It was great to experience that part of the culture in person.  Portugal was a nice, relaxing holiday for us girls.  We left for Lisbon literally a day after we got home from Barcelona, so we took it easy on this trip.  Let me tell you, it was nice to sleep late, enjoy the homemade crepes made fresh by the hostel's adorable housekeeper for breakfast, and wander around in beautiful 60 degree weather.  We still saw so much of the city, but did it at a nice and easy pace.

After my class this past Monday I headed down to Oxford Street (New Yorkers-- think 5th Avenue), and had a shopping afternoon.  I also went into Primark-- crazy crowded, clothes in piles on tables everywhere, employees using brooms to sweep up abandoned hangers off the floor... aaand my new favorite place.  Seriously, I left there with two nice sweaters and two hats, for £17!  I'm usually not a big shopper, but even I couldn't walk away from deals like those!

On another note, one thing I wish I'd done more of this semester is more of these... just general blog posts about day-to-day life.  I guess I was feeling nervous that people might not be interested in my typical Tuesday nights, and that a post about weekend travels might be more interesting.  I'm happy that I posted about my travels, because I learned so much in each city and saw things I never thought I'd ever see.  But I guess I have to keep in mind that the little things, like a presentation at work or a Monday afternoon shopping trip, can be interesting as well.  I guess it's all in the way you look at it.

I only have a few more days to live it up here in London town before heading home!  I'm trying to check things off my bucket list as quickly as I can, and I'm doing alright!  My roommates and I have reservations for high tea tomorrow afternoon at the Aldwych Hotel (pinkies up!), so it'll be nice to have a lovely English afternoon together before we part ways.  I'm also going to see if I can make it to Covent Garden and Abbey Road before leaving.  Oh, and yeah, I oughta pack, as well.  Thaaat might be important.

But for now, it's time to stop procrastinating, finish my paper, and study for my final.  Why is there always something better to do than schoolwork?

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